
  • My family
  • Daily routine
  • My favorites
  • My school
  • My class
  • Famous people
  • About me
  • My role model
  • Free time
  • Friends

My family

This is my mother.  –  Ez az én anyukám.
Her name is (Anna). –  Az ő neve (Anna).
She is a (shop assistant). –  Ő egy (bolti eladó).
She is (43) years old. – Ő (43) éves.
She is tall and very smart.  –  Ő magas és nagyon okos.
She has got (green) eyes and (dark brown) hair. – (Zöld) szeme van és (sötét barna) haja.
She is thin and pretty. – Ő sovány és csinos.
She is kind. – Ő kedves.

This is my father.  –  Ez az én apukám.
His name is (László). –  Az ő neve (László).
He is a (teacher). –  Ő egy (tanár).
He is (48) years old. – Ő (48) éves.
He is short and big.  –  Ő alacsony és nagydarab.
He has got (blue) eyes and (grey) hair. – (Kék) szeme van és (ősz) haja.
He is handsome. – Ő jóképű.

This is my sister.
Her name is …
She is a student.

This is my brother.
His name is ….
He is a baby.

Daily Routine


I get up at 6:30. (Six thirty)
I go to the bathroom.
I get dressed.
I brush my teeth.
I comb my hair.
I have breakfast.
I drink a cup of coffee and I eat a sandwich.
I go to school at 7.20.
Usually I have 6 lessons a day.
I have lunch at 1 o’clock.
I leave school at 2 o’clock.
In the afternoon I have sport lessons.
I watch TV.
I do my homework.
I have dinner at 7 o’clock.
I take a shower and I brush my teeth.
I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

My favorites

My favorite food is pizza.
My favorite drink is cola.
My favorite animal is horse.
My favorite TV show is the Wheel of Fortune.
My favorite day of the week is Wednesday.
My favorite counrty is Spain.
My favorite city is Istambul.
My favorite app is Family Island.
My favorite game is chess.
My favorite color is green. My favorite colours are blue and purple.
My favorite favorite movie is the Fast and Furious.
My favorite place for shopping is Tesco.
My favorite restaurant is Csillagvár (in English it’s Starburg).
My favorite book is Szent Johanna Gimi (Saint Joanna High School).
My favorite English word is ‘happy’.

My school

I go to Laky Demeter Elementary School.
It’s in Rezi.  The address is 2 Iskola Street in Rezi.
The school is next to the kindergarden.
It’s a catholic school.
The school is 158 (one hundred and fifty-eight) years old.
It’s a small school.
There are about a 60 students and 20 teachers.
I’m in 8th grade.
In my class there are 10 students.
I usually have 6 lessons a day.
In the school there are 8 classrooms, 5 toilets, a headmaster’s office, a teachers’ room, a computer science room, a library, a dining room, and a kitchen.

My class

I go to Laky Demeter Elementary School.
It’s in Rezi.
I’m in 8th grade.
In my class there are 10 students, 4 girls and 6 boys.
We usually have 6 lessons a day.
We have English, Maths, History, PE, Arts, Physics, Biology, Geography, RE, Literature, Grammar, Computer Science.
In the morning we have an assembly.
Our head teacher is Ms. Vincze.
Our classroom is in downstairs.
In our classroom we have 10 desks, a teacher1s desk, windows, a blackboard, a computer, a digital board, pictures on the wall…
My classmates are: Zsuzsi, Anna, Janka, Emőke…. (magadat hagyd ki!)
Janka likes drawing. – Janka szeret rajzolni.
Jocó has got brown hair. – Jocónak barna haja van.
Szilárd is tall. – Szilárd magas.
Attila likes History. – Attila szereti a történelmet.
Anna is beautiful. – Anna szép.
Niko has got blue eyes. – Nikonak kék szeme van.